Of course I spent this weekend the same way everyone else in the world did – binge-watching Stranger Things Season 2 on Netflix. What better way to celebrate than by eating some delicious mug cakes? Okay, Eggo’s would probably have been more appropriate, but I wanted something GUILT-FREE, quick, easy, and I didn’t feel like leaving the house.

Enter: Microwave Mug Cakes 

These only take about 5 minutes to prep and 1 minute to cook (The worst part is letting them cool for 10 minutes!) Even better, they are gluten-free, vegan, and refined-sugar free (the only sugar is coming from bananas; the chocolate chips I used contain stevia and erythritol instead of sugar). These were DELICIOUS, and met the approval of my sweet-toothed S.O. The perfect date-night dessert!

Quick and Easy Date-Night Mug Cakes For Two


1 medium ripe banana
2 tbsp cashew butter, room temperature
2 tbsp coconut flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla powder
1 tbsp almond milk
Optional (but HIGHLY recommended): dark chocolate chips


  1. Mash up the banana with a fork until it is nice and smooth
  2. Next add the cashew butter and mix together
  3. Add the coconut flour 1 tablespoon at a time (for easier mixing) until it is a thick batter
  4. Thin your batter out using the almond milk, and finally add the salt and vanilla powder
  5. Mix well until all ingredients are fully incorporated (Now would be the time to add the chocolate chips as well. Notice I didn’t put a measurement, because I like to leave that up to your imagination)
  6. Split batter evenly between two small ramekins or mugs
  7. Microwave one at a time for 1 minute each
  8. Let your mug cakes cool for 10 minutes (this is the hard part, but they taste better when they aren’t burning the top of your mouth)
  9. DEVOUR!

Note: As my S.O. cannot have chocolate, I had to add some in to mine separately before spooning the batter into the ramekin


  • I have also made this recipe using frozen bananas. If this is what you have on hand, let your bananas defrost before mashing (I microwaved them for 20 seconds because I’m impatient) and omit the almond milk. Frozen bananas will already have enough liquid!
  • You can sub the cashew butter out for any nut butter; however, I find cashew butter is very mild tasting and smooth. I have tried it with peanut butter and it is delicious, but definitely has a stronger flavour (not complaining – it pairs PERFECTLY with the chocolate chips)
  • I have used water instead of almond milk when I have been out of any dairy-free milk substitutes. No complaints with the water, but I do find almond milk makes it slightly more “creamy”

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