Many people want a quick fix, a magic pill… Hate to break it to you, but that doesn’t exist (not yet, anyway). Whether you’re looking for a weight loss solution, a fix for your joint pain, a way to balance your hormones, or any other health goal, it takes time. Making health changes is about making lifestyle changes.

The number one thing I have found with my patients is that no treatment is as effective without first ensuring they have optimized their six pillars


“Their what?” you ask. Don’t worry, we’re getting to that.

There are 6 things I believe to be the most important aspects of one’s health. They do not include supplements, herbs, or acupuncture – although I strongly believe those are all very useful in specific cases! What I’m referring to are those 6 things that every. single. person. can benefit from. The 6 things I personally attribute to my health today.

Health Tip #1: WATER

Water makes up about 60% of your body, making it easily the most important thing to ensure you are getting enough of! You’ve probably heard of the “8 glasses a day rule”, but did you know it is a completely made up number? (Although a good goal nonetheless). The amount of water one individual needs versus another for optimal health can vary depending on body weight and exercise level. An adequate amount of water is about 1 ounce for every 2lbs of body weight. So take your body weight in pounds, and divide by 2 to determine how much water (in ounces) you should aim to be drinking on a daily basis. If you’re sweating throughout the day (which I highly recommend doing), your water intake should compensate for that.

Tip: Need a little flavor in your fluids? Add a few slices of lemon, a couple sprigs of mint, or a handful of frozen berries to spruce it up a bit

Health Tip #2: FOOD

Many of the “healthiest” diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, the paleo diet, vegan/vegetarian diets, and the DASH diet, have been studied in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. And guess what? Health benefits are noticed from adhering to each of these diets! So how do we know which one is the BEST? Well, we don’t. However, they do all have one very important thing in common.

They are all whole-food based.

Ultimately, the perfect diet for your health should be one that nourishes you and makes you feel good. Eliminate as much processed food as possible, and focus on whole-food based, home cooked meals.

Tip: Try to adhere to the 80/20 rule. That means that 80% of the time, you are eating healthy, whole-food based meals, while 20% of the time, you’re enjoying that much-wanted treat. This keeps us all a little more sane. 

Health Tip #3: SLEEP

Bedtime is by far, hands down, my favourite time of the day. So much so that if I didn’t have things to do, I would be in bed at 8PM. Maybe earlier. A restful sleep is crucial for the body to heal itself – you must reach delta wave, or slow wave, sleep in order to optimize the healing and recuperation potential. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night, which has been shown to be the optimal time for the adult body to work its magic.

Tip: If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, consider changing up your sleep hygiene patterns. (1) Try going to bed at the same time each night and waking around the same time each morning; (2) Don’t watch tv or look at your phone before bed; (3) Have a soothing cup of herbal tea; (4) Do some meditation or breathing exercises before bed to calm your mind.


If you’re someone who pictures body builders and elite athletes whenever someone mentions exercise, think again. Exercise can simply refer to walking, yoga, resistance training circuits, gardening, shoveling the snow… All things that can be done around the house! Especially if you’re just starting out, body weight exercises are really all that you need. There are some great videos and programs online that can get you started.

Aim for around 30 minutes of exercise per day and make sure you’re switching it up occasionally!

Tip: If you’re looking for a more intense exercise, consider a personal trainer to ensure you are doing the exercises properly to avoid injury.


One word. Mindfulness. I have not found a single situation yet where mindfulness does not apply. Eating, exercising, relationships… These all benefit from being mindful. Mindfulness involves focusing your awareness on the present moment. For example, while eating, focus on chewing your food, tasting it, and not eating in front of a tv or while you’re doing work. Acknowledge your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations around your experiences throughout the day. There is no wrong feeling, thought, or sensation. Each has occurred for a reason – acknowledging and accepting why and how you are experiencing a situation in a certain manner can go a long way.

Tip: There are some excellent apps for your phone, or programs online, that help you make mindfulness an everyday habit. Consider trying one of these out for the first few weeks to get into the routine of being more mindful. 


This is referring not only to your relationship with others, but also with yourself. Self-love and self-care must be accomplished first in order to allow you to be able to give back to others. Focus your energy on relationships that are mutual and that you get something out of, and less on those toxic relationships that leave you feeling unappreciated and unfulfilled. (I know, easier said than done)

Tip: Try scheduling one day a week for a date night, social event, or (if you’re usually a busy bee) some much needed alone time. 

I understand that these are potentially some really big changes that need to be made! Luckily, naturopathic doctors are trained to support their patients through these lifestyle changes. We are equipped with some really awesome tools to make your life a little bit easier.

Book an appointment with me today to get started!